Americans say: "Merry Christmas" and people from England say: "Happy Christmas".
"Merry Christmas!" in Italian is "Buon Natale!"
they just say HAPPY CHRISTMAS
The translated way to to say Happy Christmas in the Malyalam language is "Happy Krismas."
Have a happy holiday! Or have a happy Christmas
To say Happy Christmas in Punjabi you simply say "khuśa krisamasa".
Tradition. Either one is grammatically correct, but when most people say "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Birthday", then that is what you expect to hear. In fact, in some places, people say "Happy Christmas". "Merry Brithday" is also used at times.
Yes. In fact I noted that the British post office canceled stamps at Christmas with the phrase , "Happy Christmas" . In America people say "Merry Christmas" but 'Happy New Year".
Probably about 3% of Americans say "Happy Christmas" and 97% say "Merry Christmas".Im English and i say both Most of the time i say merry Christmas but sometimesit just randomly comes out as Happy Christmas depends on what mood im in really hahaActually; in England "Merry" means "drunk" so I guess it would be a bad influence to tell someone merry Christmas over there... I don't know if that's still what it means, but yeah...
Just as in your question !They tend to say "Happy Christmas" instead of "Merry".Merry Christmas
People usually say merry Christmas, Happy holidays or seasons greeting. In recent years Merry Christmas is being used less and less in fear of offending people.
Happy Christmas