

Best Answer

Because ihts big red and yhuu can read it L'MAYUR

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Q: How do people know if LEGO exists?
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Are they going to make cars LEGO's?

Lego Cars already exists.

What is LEGO halo rated?

Lego Halo doe's not exists and their has been no evidence of its creation to date.

Will there be a LEGO castle video game?

Lego Castle no longer exists, so there probably won't be a Lego Castle Video Game.

Are there Lego girl halo people?

I don't know figure it out yourself

What is the link to the Lego drome racing challenge?

It no longer exists on

How do you get the flamethrower in Lego star wars wii?

The is no flamethrower I have all of the people so I know

When was LEGO Backlot coming out?

Lego Backlot (the studio theme game) was last playable in 2003. The game still exists but LEGO no longer provides access, and most newer versions of Shockwave will not play it.

How do you download Lego digital designer to iPad?

From what I am aware no application currently exists for the Apple Devices.

How do you unlock the secret people on LEGO Batman?

there is no secret people in Lego batman.

Have the lego people made lego halo?


Is it illegal to resell LEGOs?

Nobody really knows if you can sell Lego or not, but don't worry because on eBay over 100,000 + people have sold some kind of Lego. If you want to know for sure, contact Lego Customer Service, but if I was you, I wouldn't worry since I sometimes sell Lego.

If you have some LEGO decals and there to big to fit on your LEGO an and you don't know what size the LEGO man is. how do you get the measurements?

get a ruler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!