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It really depends on what you mean by "other people".

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Q: How do other people react to gay people?
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How can you get gay people to stop following you?

Gay people only follow other gay people.

Are gay people happy or just gay?

Gay people experience the same range of emotions as any other people.

Gay people on sims?

you can make people gay. you just have to get them to like each other.

How should you react when your mom is gay?

Just love her even though you don't understand why she likes other WOMEN

Are there gay people in India?

Yes, there are gay people in India as well as all other countries on Earth.

Is Maury Povich gay?

Yes, he is totally gay. You can just tell. I'm gay and I can tell when other people are gay, and Maury is gay.

How does Dally react to Johnny's death?

he is gay

Do gay people go to gay bars?

Some do and some don't. Up until the age of the internet, gay bars were the primary place that gay people could be themselves and meet people. Today, gay people meet each other online, in churches, and other social groups as well as bars and clubs.

How do gay people react with the criticism of the people around them and how do they handle those criticisms?

If you are talking about attacks on people for being gay, it certainly hurts. No one is a robot without emotions. Even the thickest-skinned people feel something. But gay people are strong, and they draw on that strength to live happy, productive lives, in spite of criticism.

How did society react to cheerleading?

some people that don't like cheerleading think that its not a sport and that if guys do it then they are gay. but if people like cheer then they think that it is a sport

Does gay people like pink?

Gay people are no different in their tastes than others that are not gay and some do like pink, but also other colors.

How Do Gay people Protest?

Just like how other people protest.