Wow! it will disappoints you when I tell you my own personal experience. I never knew that the man I married for 20 years was having love affair with the woman he met on dating site. I am a person who always pay attention to everything that goes on in my life, house, children and at work. I'm a well educated person but very naive and stupid that I didn't knew he was cheating on me. He never show no guilt, not even his voice. All I thought was he finally realized it's time for him to give me his attention, (fully) being in the navy and all I did understood his career because I was also in the navy and I grew up in military family. But I must admit that I didn't see no guilt nor bad feelings coming from him. If I didn't discovered his emotional affair with this married woman, I wouldn't know.
The day I discovered it, I was shock, he locked himself in his office at home and called his mistress. He wasn't worry nor concern that his life with mine and our children was ruined. All he wanted was talk to his mistress instead of facing me and my children that day. The only time he acted concerned was I asked him to leave us and never come back. And he wanted another chance with me because I filled for a divorce against him. I'm glad I did divorce him because if I gave him another chance ( 2nd already), my life will never be the same and normal, as well as my children..
Men may show guilt when caught cheating by apologizing, expressing remorse, avoiding eye contact, becoming defensive or making excuses, or trying to shift blame onto others. Some may also display signs of guilt such as restlessness, anxiety, or withdrawing emotionally. It is important to note that individuals may react differently based on their personality and circumstances.
Yes, that sentence uses "suspect" correctly. It suggests that men are believed to be more likely to commit crimes than women, but it does not make a definitive statement about their guilt. It implies a suspicion or belief rather than a proven fact.
In "12 Angry Men," the murderer is never specifically revealed. The focus of the story is on the deliberation process of the jurors as they discuss the evidence and work towards a unanimous decision. Ultimately, the jurors must determine the defendant's guilt or innocence based on the information presented in the case.
King and two other men in the car had been drinking heavily and driving erratically, after a high speed chase by the police, they managed to pull them over. The police stated that King was the most aggressive of the three and the force they used was justified, but it was caught on camera and the footage of this did not look justified. The four officers that beat him with batons caused broken bones and internal injuries. They were prosecuted for assault but were found not guilty, causing outrage and riots across America.
Odysseus's men commit the crime of killing Helios's cattle on the island of Thrínacia while Odysseus is praying. This act angers the sun god Helios and leads to dire consequences for the men and their journey back home.
not at all..... criminology is an universal subject...... because even women are involved in crimes..... so it would be wrong to say that criminology is only for men..... Dr. Fabianski Benjamin Fiji Islands
Because most men are to scared to own up and face it like a man.
Cheating in general never ends good. With that being said if someone is cheating and getting away with it they tend to carry it on until something happens, the guilt overwhelms them, they want out or they inevitably get caught - having their cake and eating it too so to speak. Cheaters sometimes don't get caught which in turn they don't fess up and stay with their spouses or even continue cheating in the future. This really can't be generalized as each individual situation is different. In most cases they will stay if the spouse lets them.
* As to how sorry the cheating spouse is depends on the individual who cheated. Some men make a mistake once and feel guilty and heartbroken when they realize how they have hurt their spouse or children; other men feel no remorse for cheating and are just sorry they got caught.
Yes with other men on the show ugh that slor
Cheating on a spouse in unacceptable, but it does happen. If a husband continues to cheat then yes, he is a risk taker. Some husbands grow bored with their marriage and are looking for excitement; they want to see if they are still able to attract the opposite sex, yet some men love the chase and the secrecy of cheating. Most men know they will get caught sooner or later, but with some of these cheating husbands it actually gives them a thrill to have a high of being caught.
All cheaters eventually get caught. ANSWER: Are you asking who get caught easily while cheating, husband or wife? If this is your question, I think but don't take my words for it, married men are easily get caught when they are cheating because of how they act, and body language. Even they are careful what they always forget is when they are around their family, body language is the number one that can give them away.
Because he got caught cheating. He is attempting to salvage whatever he can salvage. When men are cheating on their wives, it generally isn't wise to think that they will defend their actions with the other women when the game is up. If they will cheat on their wives, the women they cheat with aren't thinking very clearly if they actually expect the men will be true to them.
it isn't nice so if you get caught in that just leave him but why cheat any way
Because you have caught them so to speak "with their pants down!" Cheating is fun for some people. The lure of sneaking around is enticing and it's dangerous because they know that you will eventually find out. I feel this is one of the main reasons for cheating and it spices up some people's lives, but it's a whole lot to lose over a cheap thrill. Also, some men (or women) that cheat are having a grand old time until they are caught and all that guilt comes rushing to the surface. You've just accused your husband of this and now this whole cheating thing isn't as mystical and wonderful as he once thought it was. Although mad at you, he also has a sense of guilt. The question is ... do you want to remain with him? You have to sit and talk with him and find out why the cheating went on. If you don't feel his excuse is good enough I'd deep six this guy and move on. I did and never looked back with one ounce of regret. Good luck Marcy
"Cheating" means to "keep a secret" and my question back is "why do men lie when they're caught cheating?" Both parties are to blame. There are no excuses for cheating although many people will rationalize that there reasons are a totally different case than anyone elses. We all have a tongue in our heads and if we are unhappy in our relationship then we should have the guts to break up with the person we are with and then there is no need to cheat. There are cheaters that want to have their cake and eat it too and some that are afraid if their relationship with the other person doesn't work out they can continue on with the relationship they are already in. Cheating is selfish and it shows a person has no backbone. B: Just like when the husband lie when he got caught cheating.
some men will own up to it, others deny, deny, deny ANSWER; What do they do when they get caught, good question that can be answered. From my own experience the man that I married was stunt and his face was pure white like he seen a ghost. For a few hours that Friday morning, all he can say was "were only friends" kinda told me so many times. If I don't know better that day he lost weight for lying to me. But even my life changed, at least now I am who I wanted to be, single and happy..
no,she just buys them to show her friends. if she was cheating she will buy underwear and have a picture of the guy she is cheating you with --- Maybe, maybe not. Most women just like to buy sexy underwear and lingerie so that they look appealing to themselves. It's not always about the men, you know.