he will be talking about you alot (saying 'ohh yer im going out with [such and such]) and trying to hang around you alot when you are around a big group. He might also point you out to people he meets alot
because he pooped on me
A relationship should be equal give and take, however once you feel like you are being used - you probably are.
Iknow-UK was created in 2003-09.
iknow not
Maywood!! Iknow him!!
iknow, not
No. i am 10 but iknow what i am talking about ......no
An operating system is a necessary concept of using a modern computer. It is not a matter of "popularity."
people under eighteen want a boyfriend not because of love. there is no such thing as love in this range of age. if they are girls their reason to have a boyfriend is simply for popularity and tothem not having a boyfriend and being a virgin is embarassing (infact its not).
My boyfriend is really an amazing guy but sometimes I think he is using me to get his ex's jealous