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Contact the Michigan State Police.

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4y ago

My name is Robert Matheson M325745465391 and I have a CWP. I have lost my wallet and my license was inside. I have not been able to find it and I am replacing my documents. Thank You

Robert Matheson


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Q: How do i replace a lost gun permit in Michigan?
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How do you replace your South Carolina gun carry permit that you lost?

Contact the issuer of the permit.

How can you get a replacement for a lost gun permit in mo?

Missouri no longer requires permits EXCEPT concealed carry permits (law changed this year) To replace a lost concealed carry permit, contact your county sheriff's office- they issue the permits.

Can you get a gun permit with a twenty year old felony in Michigan?

If your rights have been restored, yes. If your rights have not been restored, you can't get a gun permit anywhere in the U.S.

How can i get a replacement for a lost gun permit in Va?

Are you referring to the concealed carry permit? It's the only "gun permit" I can think of in Virginia. Go to the sheriff's office which issued it to you, and request a replacement, is all you have to do.

Can you transfer your gun permit from Michigan to Tennessee?

No. Concealed carry permits are issued by individual states, and do not transfer.

How can you register for firing at ranges in Michigan?

You would have to go to your local gun shop and register your firearm there. Then, after completing that, you would have to go the gun range and register yourself there, with your gun permit.

Is it legal to open carry a hand gun without a permit in Michigan?

Yes- but with limitations. See link below for more information.

Can you buy gun case without gun permit for someone who has a permit as a gife?

Yes, you can buy a gun case for anyone.

Who was issued the first gun permit in Pennsylvania?

Who was issued the first gun permit in the United States?

How gun permit is important?

You will have to define "gun permit". It means different things in different places. In some areas, you must have a permit to possess a gun, in some places a permit to carry a gun, and in others, a permit to carry a gun concealed. depends on the laws where you live- and we get questions from all 50 US States and multiple nations other than the US.

How do you get a permit to get a gun?

It depends on where you are. Most U.S. states don't require a permit to own a gun. In order to carry a gun, you need a permit in some states, but each state sets its own laws on how to get a permit, so it depends on where you are.

What is the difference between a gun permit and a gun license in tennessee?

It depends. Some, but only a few, states in the U.S. require a license to purchase a gun. A gun permit normally refers to a permit allowing you to carry the gun on your person in public. Some people use the terms interchangeably, but each state calls the gun permit something different. In Tennessee, it is called a "Handgun Carry Permit." In Florida, it is a "Weapons Permit."