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well if u rly like him and want his trust back u should talk to him about everything that happened and dont leave anythin behind...that way he knows ur rly tellin him the truth. and promise him that ur never gunna do it again. and be with him all the time so he doesnt get the wrong idea that ur cheating on him again. I tried this with my boyfriend and it rly worked

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Q: How do i get my boyfriend of two years trust back after cheating on him?
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How do you gain trust back in boyfriend of 27 years who has cheated?

This is just my opinion, but I dont think I would be able to trust again.

How do you win back your ex-boyfriend if he broke up with you because he mistakenly thought you were cheating?

You have to remember relationships are built on trust and for one reason or another he did not trust you. This may not be your fault but you can force him to trust you, if you still love him then don't push him, if he loves you then he will come back to you eventually.

What do you do when you cheated on your boyfriend with an ex and wont give you any trust back?

you will have to move on and live with the consequences of cheating,, however, maybe the trust will return if you are patient, but probably not, it is devastating when someone you are supposed to be in love with cheats.

How do you get your ex-boyfriend back after he dumps you and is really mad at you because he thinks you were cheating on him?

If you were cheating on him then you got what you deserved. When you go with a boyfriend there is a bond and trust issue there and, if you broke that trust issue then you broke the bond and it's probably too late to rectify what you could have done. If you didn't cheat on him and he's accusing him then confront him and instead of begging for him to take you back you should be mad as hell for him accusing you of something you didn't do!

If your boyfriend doesn't call you back that day?

He's cheating on you.

Is it cheating if boyfriend is emailing women behind your back?

if the emails are of a sexual nature then i would consider it cheating

Will you boyfriend take you back after you lost his trust?

If you can regain your boyfriends trust he may take you back.

Cheating on boyfriend with ex?

Cheating is the lowest form of treating someone you are in a relationship with because they trust you and once you have broken that bond of trust it is very difficult to get back. Reflect back on why you and ex left each other and then look at your boyfriend and decide who is the best person to be with. It seems pretty obvious that your ex is playing you like a fine fiddle (having a sexual relationship ... having his cake and eating it too and determined to win you over from your current boyfriend) but don't fall for it! Grow up! At least be honest with your boyfriend and tell him that you are going to break up with him.

What do you do if your boyfriend is cheating on you behind your back?

ditch him!! hun just confront him, let him know that you know he is cheating then dump his sorry butt. you can find a better guy. Trust me, been there, went through it and actually found a guy i really really like

Your boyfriend has trust issues and always accuses you of cheating on him with everyone you talk to and you been talking to your ex and you think you still like him?

If you're with someone who can't trust you at all and is always accusing you of cheating on him with every guy you talk to I would leave him. You deserve so much better. And if you think you still have a crush on your ex and things are going well I would leave the jerk of a boyfriend and hook back up with the ex.

Can you trust a friend who calls your boyfriend behind your back?

I wouldn't.

How do you gain back your boyfriend's trust after you cheated on him?

Talk to him, honestly this time.