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Maybe I'm out of place by answering this, being a teenage girl myself, but maybe being a teenager helps in this situation.

Okay, I don't know what the reason for NOT getting along are, but from personal experience, it doesn't go over well if my mom treats me like a four year old. If you treat your daughter with respect, (Not the same respect as kids treat adults with, but with respect as a person) and you let her know you trust her judgment and think she's old enough to make some of her own decisions, (You know your daughter and what decisions she's capable of making) Then in turn, she'll respect YOU more.

Communication is also a key. If the only time you ever talk to your daughter is to scold her, it be willingly excepted by her. If it's excepted at all.

Sometimes, Mom and I go to the mall or go get some lunch together. We talk about things such as school, hobbies, plans for the future, or just random things. Sometimes we do projects together, such as...paint a room or a piece of furniture, play a game, or redecorate a room.

I don't know if any of this advice will work or not, but it doesn't hurt to try, does it?

I hope it works. The relationship of a mother and daughter, especially while she's a teenager, is something that can never be replaced. I would be devestated if anything ever happened to my mom, but it would comfort me to know that I have those memories. And no matter what happens to my mom, those memories will never leave me, if though SHE might.

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