how can I get ahold of my girl, she's forcing herself to move on b4 hearing what I got too say n I can't reach her
Just asking them works for me.
A measured number is not estimated. It is measured to the accuracy of the tool being used, though all tools have a certain tolerance and the last digit would be the least accurate.
If they are relatively near so that the curvature of the earth has negligible effect.
It is a question requiring you to round the given number: 1.0649 to the nearest thousandth. So you find the two numbers, accurate to a thousandth, which are either side of the given number and then select the one which is nearer.
Usually bank routing numbers are by state. Find the routing number for the state you opened your account in. Most banks have made their routing numbers public. Of course, calling your bank and asking which routing number is associated with your account is the best way to find out.
help me find someones address and phone number
The best place to find a tax return estimator is There are many other websites out there that can calculate this number for you that are accurate.
You can't, unless they have chosen to post it somewhere.
The best way to find someone's AIM screen name is to ask them. If they want you to contact them they will give you the screen name.
Ask them for it.
to find someones information
You can find the best hybrid car facts on a website called This is considered to be the number one ranked website to get all the true and accurate facts on hybrid cars.
Never happens, the cops anywhere won't release them.
You Can't
the court