You can't ! The phone company has the ultimate say in what your apps do. If THEY have disabled it - only THEY can re-activate it.
if you have an app on your phone that you no longer use or want - uninstall it !
buy the app for it
Simply delete it from your Contacts app or Phone app and it will automatically be deleted from Textfree.
If you are talking about an app that gives you a phone number to text from, one of the most popular is "TextMe"
There is a app called skype you can text with it and theres ebuddy which id for instant messeging
A company that does not cheat on an I phone app!
by doing it
well id suggest checking restrictions and seeing if someone enabled them and disabled the app store. press the settings icon then general > restrictions. if it asks for a password then restrictions are enabled. enter the code then turn the switch next to "installing apps" to "on". press the home button and the app store icon should appear. if u have more questions then email me at abcter817 on aim
I want an App that can track Company Name, Contact Name, Address, Phone # and e-mail address?
If your iphone 3GS GPS locator is on, or if you have a app that helps you locate your phone on it for example 'find my iphone' you can use that app on another phone. If you do not you can contact your phone company or place where the iphone was purchased and ask themif they can track it down.
The symbol you are most likely talking about is the TTY symbol, which would appear in the menubar of your phone. It indicates that TTY is enabled for iPhone users who are normally deaf or hard-of-hearing. If you do not want this feature to be enabled, simply go to your Settings app and tap on Phone, and then tap on the TTY slider to "Off."
You can restore your utility backup on your app on your phone by using the App Backup and Restore.
Palm devices did not support Hebrew text. If the company moves forward with plans for a palm smartphone, hebrew would be supported without a special app.
Indeed it could be enabled with DLNA application. You can install ArkMC application on your iPhone - and it would be DLNA enabled.
It will be hard to get the app Habib Wahid on an American phone. This is a Bangladeshi app.
Download it from the app store on your iphone or andriod app on your andriod phone:)
It depends on which phone you have.