You call the phone number given on the sticker attached to the card, answer a series of questions and then your new card will be activated. You can also do this on their website.
i buy stuff
I just got my Horizon Gold card activated but still need to activate my card for the Roadside Program, Legal Assistance, Discount Prescription & Credit Watch services.
There should be a phone number on the card to call to activate.
No. The Horizon gold card can only be used in the company's online store...
The Horizon Gold Card is a $500 Unsecured Credit Line that can be used to purchase products from The Horizon Gold Card is NOT a Visa or MasterCard and does not hold a cash value. Other benefits of the Horizon Gold Card include monthly reports to Trans Union, Road Side Assistance, Pre-paid legal network, Equifax® Credit Watch Gold, and the Universal Prescription Plan. The Horizon Gold Card has had negative feedback from users that applied for the Horizon Gold Card thinking they were getting a Visa or MasterCard. As a result the Terms and Conditions of The Horizon Gold Card was placed at the top of their website for all to see and read.
Yea What Stores Can You Use It At?What Stores Take Horizon Card?
1-800-251-6144 i just sign 4 a horizon gold card n when do i get it
You can use your Horizon Gold credit card for purchases at It is not like a Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or other traditional credit cards.
How do I cancel Horizon Gold card? i have cancelled , cut up card,,but 11 days later my $29.95 debit from my debit card account has not been replaced,,,,,,this card is a rip-off DO NOT FOOL WITH it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Horizon Gold Card is an unsecured credit card used for Horizon Outlets. If you need to update your Horizon Gold Card, log in at and enter your new information.
I don't no something