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Why don't you ask a girl that's rapping.

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Q: How do girls feel while rapping?
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What kind of girls do waka flocka flame like?

probably the girls with big dicks cause hes gay and sucks at rapping

Is rapping considered a form of singing?

No, rapping is not considered a form of singing. Rapping involves speaking or chanting lyrics rhythmically over a beat, while singing involves producing musical tones with the voice.

Why do you like rapping?

i love rappng literally!im only 15 but have benn rapping since about 8.its fun and can exxpress how yu feel nd just have fun with it.

Is singing the same as rapping?

Singing and rapping are both forms of vocal expression, but they are different in style and technique. Singing involves melodic tones and sustained notes, while rapping is more rhythmic and spoken-word based.

Do teenage girls pee in the beds with out a bladder problem?

Yes because that's their mum anal rapping them

What are raps to use in a rap Battle?

Well just think about what will dis your challenger. Let them start off and get a feel for what they are rapping skills are. There is no real turtioul, rapping comes from you and everyday life.

How will you feel while press a small girls breast?

I enjoyed when we press small girl breast

What is the difference between singing and rapping as far as at what speed singing becomes rapping and things like that?

Rapping is like talking with a rhythm, while singing is more melodic. Both can be at any tempo and one does not become the other because of how fast or slow the tempo is.

Is dmx still alive and rapping?

yes dmx is still alive although i dont know bout him rapping havent heard nothing from him in a while but i heard he is in jail for something in Arizona

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Do Girls talk about their breast to each other?

Some girls may talk about their breasts to their close friends, while others may not feel comfortable discussing that topic. It varies from person to person and their level of comfort and relationship with their friends.

Is rapping dangerous?

Rapping can be dangerous depending what your rapping about and where you are rapping. Being offensive when rapping can have bad repercussions but most importantly where. If you are rapping somewhere which is against your rap (theme) there will be 'haters' and these haters may want to beat you up. On the other hand, Rapping is thought to be a way of life and can a career ie. Eminem etc.