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if its a girl:

She gazes in your eyes with deep interest and her pupils are dilated.

Her skin tone becomes red while being around you.

Her crossed leg is pointed towards you or if that same leg is rocking back and forth towards you.

She raises or lowers the volume of her voice to match yours.

She rubs her chin or touches her cheek. This indicates that she's thinking about you and her relating in some way...

She winks at you while talking to you or winks at you from a distance.

She exposes the palms of her hand facing you.
Biting of the lips or showing of the tongue, licking her lips or touching of her front teeth....

She starts sitting straight up and her muscles appear to be firm.

She puts her fingernail between her teeth.

She laughs in unison with you.

She touches your arm, shoulder, thigh, or hand while talking to you.

Plays with her jewelry, especially with stroking and pulling motions.

She twirls her hair around her fingers while she is looking at you.
Eyebrows raised and then lowered, then a smile usually indicates interest in you.

While talking to you, she rests an elbow in the palm of one hand, while holding out her other hand, palm up.

In a crowd she speaks only to you and focuses all of her undivided attention on you.

While talking to you, she blinks more than usual, fluttering her eyelashes.

Big smiles with upper and lower teeth showing with a relaxed face.
She speeds up or slows down her speaking to match yours.

She rubs her wrists up and down.

If its a guy:

These are tough to crack sometimes...
He'll look at you, until you turn around, then boom, he's looking the other way.
You may 'feel' like he's watching you - but he's hard to catch at it
He may do something physical - like grab you in a play way, poke you, play with your hair...
(Remember when you were really young and the guy you liked punched you or tackled you?)
He may be working really hard to pay attention to you, but doesn't quite know how...
He may ask a friend of yours about you - he'll say it's just for "friend of mine" that wants to know about you.
He talks to everybody else - but when you're around he turns silent, or chokes up.
You seem to accidentally bump into him a lot of different places.
He may not say a word to you, but he shows up in the same line, at the same movie, etc.
He'll give you a little smile from across the room, but if you get near, he won't look up.
Basically - the BIG clue is that his behavior changes when you're around (compared to when he's around his buds or other girls).
DEAD Giveaway - when you talk to him he turns red.
(Bingo - you can pack that puppy up and take him home...)

Hope it helped

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8mo ago

You can look for signs such as frequent eye contact, compliments, and body language that indicates interest. Asking them directly in a casual and friendly manner can also help clarify their feelings. Pay attention to their behavior and communication to see if they show special attention towards you.

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The difference between having a crush on someone and liking someone:If you have a crush on someone, it means that you find their physical appearance attractive.If you like someone, it means that you like their personality traits; not to do with appearance.

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the best way to find out whether someone has a crush on you is to ask, now they either do or they dont.

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You should tell your crush you like him/her eventually or else, your crush might find someone else they like you'll be heartbroken.

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then go find someone else, hun (:

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Find someone new

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find another crush

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Simply just ask your crush wether or not they like you or have someone do it for you. For instance have your friend go up to your crush and say a little someting to get her to tell but just dont blirt it out.

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Wait for the crush to pass, and find someone new who loves you back.. I know how you feel.. I'm twelve and my besfriend just started dating my crush of a year.. im starting to move on to someone else though.

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This is very common, its rare to find a guy you like who already likes you, just go for it!

Who do you get over a crush?

don't think about him or her! try to find someone else. when i had a crush i would just try. i know it's hard but you need to stay strong when you have something that feels like love. you think it's love when it's not and then BAM!!!!!!!! your over the guy. was he close to you and did you really like him? why did you break the crush? did he find someone else?