Hang out with her and give her compliments but not too much she'll get annoyed.
Exclamatory sentences show strong feelings.
The cast of Tomboy - 1912 includes: Mabel Trunnelle as Tomboy
No they show feelings in the sea of monsters.
Nope, its pretty, but not tomboy
No. She is only a tomboy as her character Lilly Truscot, in Hannah Montana.
In icarly sam is not a tomboy well like shes a tomboy and girly a the same time like shes not girly and shes not a tomboy well the way she acts its kinda a tom boy but shes like normal the way she dresses not a tomboy and not girly.[;
Sam Pucket is a tomboy
Tranny or a tomboy most of the time tomboy
Sabrina is a hot name but not a tomboy name:D
Most gay people do show their feelings. Some don't for personal reasons.