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well you should flirt with her && if she flirts back then maybe she does but if she doesn't and u can tell she feels uncomfortable when u flirt then she doesn't feel the same way but if that doesn't work then jus try askin her dont be scared most girls like a guy who is brave enough to express their feelings

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11mo ago

Look for signs such as prolonged eye contact, mirroring your actions, actively seeking out opportunities to spend time with you, and displaying genuine interest in your life. It's also helpful to directly communicate and ask her about her feelings to avoid any confusion.

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Q: How do I know if a girl feels the same way about me?
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You ask her. See how she feels. You might find out she feels the same way.

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Ask her on a date.

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Well, it depends.....if she knows that u love her than just start talking to her more i mean maybe she feels the same way but is too shy to admit it! If she doesn't know then you rele have to tell her or ur never gunna get close to her again i mean maybe she feels the same way dude.......ask her how she feels...

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he feels and acts the same way you do

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If you really like this girl then you are going to tell her exactly how you feel and if she feels the same way then just ask her. If she doesn't then you know it wasn't meant to be anyways. Just believe in yourself.