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"Hey, let's go do [insert whatever activity here]". if you really have to think long and hard about this, you might want to question just how much of a friend they are.

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Q: How do I ask my friend to hang out without sounding needy?
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As a friend? Be like, hey we should hang out! Wanna go to blah blah blah? As more than a friend? Hey do you wanna meet up at blah blah blah? But be flirty! ;)

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Because the girlfriend might just be too convenient, too needy, or have some other issue. He still likes you but guys need their crazy times too to hang out with their friends

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If you want your friend to still be your friend, hang out with him. You might find out what he likes in his girlfriend and she could be your friend too. Friends do this for each other.

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well, if your friend doesn't hang out with you then maybe they don't have time or maybe they aren't your friend.

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Hang out with them. Ask them to be your friend.

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You can hang out with your boyfriends's friend but it is not advisable to d so.

How do you tell a guy that you want to hang out together when you are just mutual friends and dont really hang out or talk that much?

In my opinion, just flat out asking to hang out more sounds needy. If you just want to hang out as friends, find common ground and find something fun to do. Say something like "Hey, do you want to go lazer tagging this weekend?" and if your friend is free than he'll say yes. and it doesnt have to be lazer tagging.

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If you want to let your best friend be happy ? Hang out with her/him.

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If I was Selena's best friend I would hang out with her everyday,and where going to hang out with our friends in the mall.

How do you get a girl to like you that has a boyfriend?

Hang around without being too obvious, be a friend , and if the boyfriend disappears or moves or whatever , you'll be there.

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If you cannot hang around them its best to just let things be. In most cases when trying to fix something that has gone awry it ends up becoming worse as opposed to fixed as well as makes you come of as overbearing and needy. Let this go and move on.

Is a friend who doesn't let you hang out with other people a good friend?
