take a straight edge razor and scrape some of the cloth on the back of the seat in a place that is not seen, then add just a little elmer's glue and roll into a ball then put in the hole.
There are a great many ways in which you could repair a small burn in your car seat. You could patch it.
Burn The Car
put a dead fish under the seat
Burn cigarette holes in the seats.
You most likely would only get a mild burn. But car interiors do not cause a first degree burn which is like a mild sun burn.
you cant repair, only clean. for example, steam clean would be most effective.
The heat transfer that occurs when you burn yourself on a hot car seat is conduction. The car seat becomes hot due to being in contact with a heat source (sunlight), and this heat is transferred directly to your skin upon contact with the seat.
Coins, wrappers, cigarette butts, keys, paper..
It depends on the shop and the quality of leather. A few hundred dollars to the low thousands would be a general range.
You really cant unless you want to put in new fabric
Check your local library, they may have a auto repair database that would have wiring diagrams, ours does.
Less than a hundred dollars!