

How did whites treat the slaves?

Updated: 9/28/2023
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12y ago

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Most of the whites treated the slaves horribly. Some treated them fair, but most treated them horribly. They weren't treated like the whites, there were basically treated like dirty rags.

The slaves were taken away from their families and never saw them again unless they were freed or ran away. When slaves ran away the got caught. The slave owners killed the slaves by beating them to death..

Nobody wants to be treated like that. They even had little kids working as slaves, the kids only got two shirts a year, and if they got worn out they wouldnt have to go bare naked. Life wasn't easy as a slave.

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12y ago

they treated them poorly and not equally. the slaves were derived of their birthrights and many of them were forced to slavery.

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Probably better than they were treated by whites or Native Americans. ................................................................................................... they were beaten and whipped! (if they didnt do what they were told) but they also have them food and stuff

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