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They hacked and used /give

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Q: How did the west African empires make money to support their armies?
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The West African trade empires made their money mainly by trading salt and?

The West African trade empires made their money mainly by trading slaves, salt and gold.

Why did salt mines break apart ancient African empires?

The salt broke up ancient African empires because the people with gold traded with the people that had salt,so the people in between could charge the people with gold money.

What is the official money in early empires?

The early empires used a number of coins. The coins of each empires had different names.

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Why did many soldiers desert from the armies?

So they can get more money

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No because if you can how is the creator suppose to get money?

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Who has the power to coin money raise armies and collect taxes?


Why did the Freedmen's Bureau fail?

It did not lead to long-term civil rights for African Americans. Many of its reforms were overturned when Reconstruction ended.

What was the empires money?

mainly 2 types of coins: Gold Solidus & Gold Hyperpyron.

Why did European countries want to build new empires in Asia and Africa?

Power and Money.

War powers of congress?

Declare War, raise and support Armies-no longer support through money after two years though, provide and maintain a Navy, provide for calling on the Militia to execute Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrection and repel Incasions. Provides organization, arming, and disciplining the Militia.