they had people on the look out for kidnappers and would often run as far as possible to get away from being caught
two ways were they worked slower and broke machines
The slaves would run to the North, or if they could, would try to make it to Canada.
Slaves developed several ways to resist slavery in the South. Many were able to escape and flee to the North or into Canada using the Underground Railroad. Another form of resistance involved slowing down their work although this often resulted in whippings and other punishment. They resisted slavery through a type of code that only they understood, often in the songs they sang.
they resisted slavery because they faught back ,or either they just cooked the food and did what they had to do so that way they wouldnt,have to be slaves for so long..So slaves just did what they had to do even though they had a million and one jobs they just did what they had to do as slaves,lots of people come back at me saying thats right ,thats so true,so you know why not put some of your brain on the internet
Slaves did not benefit from slavery.
Oh, I don't know, maybe... SLAVERY!
Slaves used various forms of non-insurrectionary resistance to resist the dehumanizing conditions of slavery, such as acts of sabotage, feigning illness, and covertly teaching other slaves to read. These tactics allowed slaves to assert some degree of agency and resist their oppressors without resorting to violent uprisings.
run away, broke equipment for slow, and some poisoned food
two ways were they worked slower and broke machines
Slavery, the exploration of the labour of the slaves.
Zachary Taylor did try to free the slaves
We can resist dealing with countries that tolerate slavery. refusing to travel to Thailand or trade with them would help. Not buying gold and diamonds mined using slaves is also a great option.
Basically slaves would resist slavery due to the harsh treatment they came across but the slave masters in which they would the resist the Masters strongly believe that the resisted because they were taken from their home land by the whites without the Africans permission
The slaves would run to the North, or if they could, would try to make it to Canada.
Slaves resisted slavery through acts of rebellion, escape, sabotage, and forming underground networks. They also used storytelling, music, and religious practices to preserve their cultural identity and resist dehumanization. Some slaves actively participated in abolitionist movements to advocate for their freedom.
Many slaves ran to the mountains (called Maroons). Also,Samuel Sharpe (A Jamaican national hero) was the main instigator of the slave rebellion in 1831 which was largely instrumental in bringing about the abolition of slavery in Jamaica in 1838.
The Stono Rebellion in 1739, where a group of slaves in South Carolina attempted to escape to Florida, is an example of slave resistance against slavery. This event resulted in the death of several white settlers and increased restrictions on slaves in the region.