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They increaseed their wealth and power by trading slaves to europeans in exchange for weapons and other goods


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Nahisha Dorvil

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1y ago
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3d ago

Due to the Atlantic slave trade, some West African tribes that engaged in slave raiding or trading saw an increase in power and wealth. Conversely, tribes that became targets for slave raids faced population decimation, social disruption, and economic stagnation. Overall, the slave trade contributed to significant shifts in the power dynamics among West African tribes.

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Q: How did the position of some west African tribes change as a result of the Atlantic slave trade?
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Was a direct result of the African slave trade?

The displacement of millions of Africans, the destruction of communities and cultures, and the significant economic exploitation of Africa's resources and labor are all direct results of the African slave trade. Additionally, the Atlantic slave trade resulted in the development of racial hierarchy and discrimination that still affects societies today.

The influence of African culture on some areas of latin America was largely a result of the?

The influence of African culture on some areas of Latin America was largely a result of the transatlantic slave trade, which brought millions of enslaved Africans to the region. These African captives brought with them their languages, religions, music, dance, culinary traditions, and more, which have since deeply influenced the cultural landscape of Latin America.

How are mulattoes an effect of African slavery?

Mulattoes are individuals of mixed African and European ancestry, and their existence is a result of the sexual relations and unions between African slaves and European colonizers or slave owners during the time of African slavery. These relationships were often non-consensual and manifested through the exploitation of power dynamics, leading to the birth of mulatto individuals.

Did the African slaves take the place of the American Indian worker?

African slaves were brought to America to work on plantations and in other industries, and their enslavement was a result of labor demands and economic interests, not a direct replacement of American Indian workers. The exploitation of both African slaves and American Indians contributed to the growth of the American economy and the development of the nation.

What was a culture change that occurred as a result of the Colombian Exchange?

One culture change that occurred as a result of the Columbian Exchange was the spread of new food crops and agricultural practices between the Old World and the New World. This led to changes in diets, farming techniques, and culinary traditions in both regions, enriching their respective cultures.

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How did the economic position of colonist in the Americas CHange as a result of the Atlantic Slave trade?

They were able to exploit slave labor to become wealthy traders of tobacco and rum.

How did the economic position of colonists in the Americas change as a result of the Atlantic slave trade?

They were able to exploit slave labor to become wealthy traders of tobacco and rum.

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Potential Energy (change of position) and latent energy (change of state condition as freezing)

How did the geographical concentration of African people change as a result of the Atlantic slave trade?

Large populations of Africans emerged in North and South America and the Caribbean.

Which type of energy is stored energy as a result of a change in position or condition?

pontential energy

What term is defined as energy stored in an object as result of a change in its position?

That is called potential energy.

How did the economic position of colonists in the Americas changes as a result of the Atlantic slave trade?

They were able to exploit slave labor to become wealthy traders of tobacco and rum.

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"Argued out of his position" means that someone was persuaded or convinced to change their stance or opinion as a result of a compelling argument put forth by another person.

What was a direct result of the trans atlantic slave trade on african cultures?

it promoted a feeling of racial superiority among europeans.

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You all suck go to another site you losers.

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Time is an independent variable because it is affected only by when you decide to stop to read its position (not affected by the position). However, time is a dependent variable since the time you record it affects its result. In simpler terms, independent variable is something you can change to alter the dependent variable. You can change the time (0s to 15s etc.) but you cannot change the position.