The term "gun" is a very general term for firearms and was originally used for cannons. It's possible that the term came from the Latin word "gonne" or the Norse name "Gunnildr", which has the connotations of "thunder" or "thunderer".
what is the name of the gun on a tank
Gun Grut's birth name is Gun Hagberg.
Gun Andersson's birth name is Gun Britt Ingrid Andersson.
Elephant gun.
Frank Gun's birth name is Juhasz Fergnace.
Gun Robertson's birth name is Gunborg Robertsson.
a tranquiliser gun
The another name for the Tommy gun is the Chicago typewriter or sometimes called the Thompson submachine-gun.
Pistol, Darringer, Belly gun, Palm gun, Purse gun Pocket gun.
Gun Adler's birth name is Gunhild Elisabeth Adler.
a hand gun
Tommy gun