Private funds from the creation of joint-stock companies.
The 18th century reforms in portugese and spanish colonies were similar in the creation of more viceroyalties for better defense and administration, lessening of the Catholic church's influence in political decisions and the removal of Creoles from administrative positions
4 July 1776 proclaiming the freedom and independence of thirteen British colonies in North America and announcing the creation of the United States of America.
The colonists objected the dominion of New England because the Governor (Gov. Aros) steered the colonists more toward the Church of England.
Jonas Salk is credited with creating the polio vaccine. His creation basically eliminated polio in countries where it is used. He spent the last years of his life researching a vaccine for AIDS.
It didn't.
Adolf Hitler ordered the creation of the Atlantic Wall, but it's actual building was carried out by German soldiers.
A:The theory that God (or a god) created the world but no longer has any relationship to his creation is called Deism.
None! It was 1918-20 that saw the creation of new countries and the revival of submerged countries ...
The primary two were Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt.
Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill
It was the first formal government of any of the early colonies.
creation of colonies along the Mediterranean
destruction breeds creation
Portugal's creation of sugar plantations on Atlantic coastal islands started in the 1400's with sugar colonies in West Africa. They then started to develop sugar plantations on what is now Brazil's coast line. Some of the islands in the Caribbean were then assessed as to their value in growing sugar.