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The Grinch didn't steal Summer, but Christmas. In Dr. Seusse's famous children's story, he lived in a cave above a peaceful, happy village called Whoville, whose inhabitants were midgets called (not surprisingly) the Who's.

The Grinch was a grumpy, curmudgeonly old creature who didn't like anybody else to have a nice time, so on Christmas Eve he set about trying to sabotage the Who's Christmas. Disguising himself as Snta Claus, he snuck from house to house in the village stealing everything that the Who's had prepared for their Christmas- presents, cards, decorations, food, even the fuel for their log fires! Once he'd done this, he loaded it all onto a big sledge and got his old dog Max to tow the lot up to the top of a high mountain, where he made ready to push the load over a precipice to be smashed to bits in the valley below.

BUT, just as he was bout to do this, he heard the Who's singing Christmas carols in their village far below. He realised that Christmas is not a material thing that depends on presents and feasting, but a warm feeling of love towards one's fellow people that is meant to last all year round. Deeply moved by this, he sheds tears at his badness and repents- with a complete change of heart, he turns the sledge round and races pell-mell with Max back down to the village, where he returns everybody's things and begs the Who's forgiveness, which they give willingly. The story ends with the Grinch being star guest at the village Christmas party, where he gets to carve the roast himself!!

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The name of the Dr. Seuss character who tried to steal Christmas is the Grinch. He is the main character in the book "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!"

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The Grinch tried to steal Christmas from the Whos of Whoville in the 1966 cartoon adaptation of Dr. Seuss's story "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." He planned to ruin their holiday by taking away their presents, decorations, and food, but his heart grew three sizes in the end, and he returned everything, embracing the true meaning of Christmas.

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Candy cane

Why did the Grinch steal chriatmas?

His heart was two sizes too small.

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In the Dr. Seuss classic novel, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!", the Grinch does attempt to steal the Christmas tree from Cindy-Lou Who's house. Cindy-Lou questions the Grinch's actions, who tells her a lie about the functionality of the lighting of the tree and proceeds to abscond with the tree up the chimney.

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The Grinch, although luckily his heart grew three sizes that day and everything turned out okay.

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The Grinch gets stuck in the chimney once when he tries to steal Christmas from the Whos in Whoville.