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Social Darwinism justified that women had more balls than men at the time, and still can possibly do. Hope it helped:)

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Q: How did social Darwinism effect on imperialism?
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How did social darwinism impact imperialism?

it didnt

How did social darwinism lead into imperialism?

Social Darwinism, which applied Darwin's theory of natural selection to human societies, provided a justification for imperialistic actions by suggesting that stronger nations had a right to dominate weaker ones. This ideology reinforced the idea that some races and cultures were superior to others, thus justifying the expansion of empires in the name of progress and civilization. Ultimately, it fueled a sense of superiority and entitlement among imperial powers, driving them to seize territories and resources around the world.

What is social drawinisim belif?

Social Darwinism explains the social effects of racism, capitalism and imperialism.

How did Social Darwinism explain America's Imperialism?

There are many reasons why Americans would be drawn to Social Darwinism. These Americans could be intrigued by the concepts it presents.

What is a policy in which strong nations control weaker countries or territories?

Social Darwinism:)

What was social Darwinism and how it affected people's views on imperialism?

Social Darwinism i like the evolution of humans. It states that the most fittest will continue to survive and reproduce, like survival of the fittest. I guess the effect of it on imperialism is that people want to be on top so they tried to conquer all they could to get all the valuables in those places they've conquered and so they can be the fittest.

Dangers of Social Darwinism?

The danger of Social Darwinism is that many might accept this as a true scientific principle, when it is not. Social Darwinism is a deliberate distortion of Charles Darwin's theory of the evolution of the species, that applies the principles to human beings in a way that justifies racism and imperialism.

The theory of social Darwinism was sometime used to justify?

european Imperialism in the late 19th century

Which aspect of the new imperialism led to non-westerners being robbed of their cultural heritage?

social darwinism

One reason for imperialism was social darwinism explain what this theory means?

One reason for imperialism was social Darwinism; this theory means that sociology and politics was a reserve for those considered to be naturally selected and fit to survive (natural selection and survival of the fittest).

How did imperialism come to be associated with Social Darwinism?

Social Darwinism justified imperialism. Post-Enlightenment, people started turning to science to answer life's questions and not religion. This new science of social Darwinism purported a hierarchy of beings. This, therefore, allowed imperialists nations to justify their exploitation and presence in other countries of 'inferior' peoples.

What idea was used to Darwinism was used to justify European imperialism in Asia and Africa?

Social Darwinism is a idea that is similar to survival of the fittest. They used this idea to and divide preexisting areas or territories.