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they usually did something wrong or were randomly chosen

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Q: How did people become slaves in Athens?
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Which people in Athens were not allowed to become citizens?

Slaves, foreigners, women

The Daily life of slaves in Athens?

there were slaves in Athens people buy them if you wants fun information about it then go to a libaray and ask them for the book you wounldn;t want to be a slave in Greece, it tells you all about Athens and their slaves. - Anna luc

Who rebulit Athens after the Persian war?

The people, their slaves, and their contractors.

Could slaves become citizens in Athens and Rome?

No, they weren't even considered citizens.

Which had slaves?


Who was enslaved in Athens?

The people they bought from other cities and peoples and those whom the slaves bred. Nearly a quarter of the population were slaves.

Did the Athens care about slavery?

Yes, they used slaves prolifically. Possibly about a third of the population of Athens were slaves.

Who were the slaves in Athens?


Did they have slaves in Athens?


How many slaves lived in ancient Athens?

There were 300,000 Athens..

Why does slavery exist how do people become slaves?

Slavery exist because people are too lazy to do stuff, and people become slaves by being bullied, and push around.

How are Athens and Sparta alike and differ?

well Sparta has slaves but they well are vary cruel and mean to there slaves and Athens gives and has respect