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Free black in the north reacted to the slave codes by buying slaves that were friends and relatives. They also protested through voting and their writings. The southern free black could do little they were not allowed to travel or assembly peacefully.

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Q: How did free blacks respond to slave code?
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In the south free blacks were?

There were no free blacks in the south. Anyone who was black in the south was a slave.

In the late 1850s several southern states sought to?

Did they re-slave free blacks. Did they free all slaves. force all free blacks to live in cities. send free blacks back to Africa.

What is a good title for an essay about free blacks in the north?

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Why might slave have been forbidden to meet with free blacks under the slave codes?

Well, it's simple as can be. Slaves might have been forbidden to meet with free blacks under the slave codes so they would be able to try to plan escapes.

How did the slave codes affect the free blacks?

They had to be careful of where they went and what they did. African Americans were never truly free.

Why did blacks have to carry papers?

blacks carried papers because without there papers they werent free and they couldnt travel without there slave masters

Could only whites own slaves?

No. There were free blacks who were slave owners, and Indians too.

Did black men have to follow slave codes?

No, because there were free Blacks and then there were slaves, so they were considered completely different classes. However, even free Blacks weren't treated fairly.

What was life like for free blacks?

it was a struggle for the freed slave because they didn't know what to do or how to get jobs or nothing!

Why did new californians who were northerners exclude all blacks in the state constitution?

Northerners did not want to compete for gold with slaveholders using slave labor or with free blacks.

Who was with John Brown at Harper's ferry?

He had group consisting of 16 white men, 3 free blacks, 1 freed slave, and 1 fugitive slave.

Slave labor vs free labor?

Slave labor is obviously done for and by slaves in the eighteenth century to do work in order to make a living. As for free labor, is done by a freeman, it can be considered as free blacks to do work or labor, but they have to be free. -Darc Lay