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They brought enslaved Africans to America.

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Q: How did European conquerors meet their need for labor on sugar plantations?
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When sugar plantations in the west indies need labor is when?

The sugar plantation needed labor in abolition of slavery. This is in West Indies.

What did slaves do as labor?

they worked on farms or plantations like cotton, sugar or tobacco. the labor was often intense.

What kind of plantations did European's establish in the Caribbean?

The crop which attracted them was sugar.

Who were forced to supply free labor in the sugar plantations of northern South America?


Could boys and girls both work on sugar plantations?

Yes. Both genders were, and are, capable of working on sugar plantations, usually with the males doing more of the harder physical labor.

Why did sugar and cotton plantations require many workers?

They were very large. Cotton and sugar are both labor intensive crops that require many people.

The labor system of the british west indies sugar plantations relied almost entirely on?

A. The importation of African Slaves.

Why were slaves needed in sugar plantations?

SLAVES AND SUGAR PLANTATIONS Slaves were needed to harvest the crops in the sugar plantations. They were needed for affordable labor, but only because they were also producers of children, who became new slaves. So in addition to revenue from cotton and sugar, the slaveowners also received revenue from the sale of slaves, especially after the importation of new slaves was prohibited.

Who were the ancestors of the people of african descent who live in the Guianas today?

African slaves who worked on European sugar plantations

Why did people use slaves in the 1500s?

Slaves were needed for sugar plantations, gold & silver mines and hard force of labor.

What kind of plantations did the europeans set up in the cribbean?

The Sugar cane plant was the main crop produced on the numerous plantations throughout the Caribbean through the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, as almost every island was covered with sugar plantations for refining the cane for its sweet properties. The main source of labor was African slaves. These plantations produced 80-90 percent of the sugar consumed in Western Europe.

Coffee and sugar and banana plantations are examples of?

Coffee, sugar and banana plantations