If you wanna stop facebook notifications go onto settings>notifications>facebook and then turn sounds , alerts and badges all off. i work for apple California i would no Trust me
1. press the green dial button. 2. press the menu button and select "Options" menu 3. select "General options"... 4. set "Restrict my identity" to "Never"
Businesses need information to help growth happen. Sales leads can come from information services, etc. and this sparks growth, which would turn into more revenue. Business information is a vital part of business.
i don'tknow how to turn on a blackberry.
Go to settings and turn nottifercations off
FaceTime is enabled on the 4 and 4s by default. to make a facetime call, go into contacts, and find the person you wish to facetime. at the very bottom of the screen, there is a button "facetime" press this to start a facetime call. Remember that you can only use facetime (whether you started the call or not) on a wifi connection
There is no way that you can download FaceTime on the iPhone 4S. FaceTime comes already pre-installed on the iPhone 4S. You can turn on FaceTime by going to your "Settings" and choosing the "FaceTime" tab. Then, toggle the switch to turn FaceTime to the "on" position.
you can get texting on your itouch, it just costs more. there's an app for the itouch that lets you get 15 free texts a day. i think you can turn your itouch into a phone....but you definitely need to pay more to be able to call people on it.
You hold the button for 7 seconds
An iPhone is an iPod Touch (iTouch) with the phone and camera. Thus, an iPhone is already an iPod touch with more features.
Yes, you have to be connected to wifi when you want to FaceTime with people. They need to be connected to wifi as well, so text them and tell them you're going to Facetime them and to turn on their wifi.
Yes. Turn ur bloototh on tho
Using Safari over WiFi. You can turn on and approve WiFi in settings.
eBay is probably the only place where you can bargain your way to a cheap iTouch, but can turn ugly within a matter of days and cost almost twice as much as store prices. Amazon also may have a cheap iTouch, but it is not guaranteed.
Original Answer by Chohw0916 Edited by Arianna Lovendino For now, yes. Facetime is only available to iPhone 4. As far as I know, however, Apple is working to make Facetime available on the 3G network. I hope this helps.
i have an ipod touch too, you just click on the music app.
If you are referencing the "green arrow" to come on again, no, but you are suppose to "yield" to oncoming traffic, especially, more than likely, they have a green light to go. For example, if you are heading north in the north lane and a car is heading south on the south lane, but gets in the turning lane to make a left turn and there is no green arrow but their light is green, it is legal to turn, but you have to yield to oncoming traffic, make sure oncoming traffic is clear before you go out in the road. If not, it could cause a major accident.Added to clarify: If the green left arrow goes out and is replaced by a red left arrow or a red bullseye clearly meant to control the left turn lane, THEN you must wait until the next green arrow in order to make your turn.