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(correct me if im wrong) middle schoolers are still kids. so are 20 yr olds. middle schoolers probably see their parents kissy kissy all the time and think it's "gross" but they hear about sex through tv or other frnds and think totally different. ----

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Q: How come middle schoolers think romance is gross but sex is good?
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Why is it in middle school think about sex?

That's a very good question. Majority of Middle Schoolers (7 and 8th Graders) hit puberty at their age. The average age for hitting puberty for Females are 9 and for Males is 12. During the time, males start to develope Sperm and Testosterome [a craving of sexual intercourse].

What do middle schoolers think about their friends?

They could think all kinds of stuff, but what's most likely the case is that they're spending more time thinking about themselves than anything/anyone else. Not necessarily out of selfishness, probably just out of confusion and or anxiousness; the ages you are in middle school are not a set of super easy ages to be. I remember thinking that everyone had themselves so much more figured out and together than me, but looking back this turned out to be false. In fact we were all in the same confusing adolescent boat. Middle schoolers tend to think of their friends as people they like to hang around with who make them feel better about themselves. If you're in middle school and wondering if making friends gets easier: don't worry it gets much easier, as soon as you figure yourself out.

What do you think is romance?

True love.

Do you believe in romance?

I don't think Romance is the coreect term, it is true love and yes I do.

If you want to go to college for less what can you do?

High schoolers in my school do this, but high schoolers with strait A's can go to the Elementary Schools and help the students out. If they do that for, I think 8 hours, the high school will pay for some of the collegeprice....not really sure, for I'm not a high schooler.

What do middle schoolers think about their parents?

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Most guy's at that age are going through puberty and dont think much about romance just sex.