They don't always. But in some cases, girls can sing very high! so it sounds "better" but actually, most guys have low voices which can sound very good in songs.... So girls don't always sing better!
Yes!..but it depends on the guy in question... guys react differently to different behaviors of girls..similarly girls do same...but in my opinion...I like girls with a sweet angelic singing voice....
Taylor Swift.
Some do, some don't.
==answerz!!! provided by LESLII TM== no, hip hop music is not for girls only. who ever says it is, they are sexist. anybody can listen to anything. is punk only for boys? NO. ITS NOT. therefore anybody can listen to hip hop.
JJay Monroe is gay. Dahvie Vanity is bi, but he only makes out with JJay to make girls go wild in concerts :)
Well some guys would say guys are, and some girls would say girls are.
Because girls grow faster and mature quicker. And get smarter.
guys can do everything better :)
because guys dont have to work in the kitchen
Girls... da girls are able to do anything guys can do
I don't really think either gender is superior, but there are certain things that guys are better at, and there are certain things that girls are better at.
because girls are better then guys and they don't want to admit it.
girls, definatly
cute guys of course
Well I'll tell you this in high school the nice guy ALWAYS loses but after high school girls tend to learn what really matters and the nice guys win A LOT more.
The girls are just jealous of you and the guys probably like you.