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If you should some day wish to borrow money for some reason, such as for example, to get a mortgage for a house, the bank will only lend you the money if they believe that your credit rating is good enough. I realize that this may sound silly in the age of the sub-prime mortgage crisis, but at least in theory, that's the way it works. In practice, the banks may lend you money anyway.

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Q: How can your credit score negatively affect you?
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Closing an account will affect your credit score and decrease your score.

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If you have a chargeback, that is a credit to your account. This will not affect your credit score negatively or positively.

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Subsidized loans will affect your credit score negatively if you are not paying them. If you are paying them, they will have a positive effect on your score.

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Does closing a credit card account which was always paid on time harm your credit score?

Strangely enough, yes it does negatively but temporarily affect ones credit score.

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All inquiries in excess of 3 in one year negatively affect your credit. The more you do it the lower it will get.

Are there any credit cards that won't negatively affect my credit score?

Your best bet would be to close those older credit cards. While it may take some time, your credit score can be improved. However, opening a new credit card, even if it doesn't affect your credit score may not be the best way to go. I am unsure if there is a credit card that wouldn't affect your credit score.

Will a private student loan that is currently deferred negatively affect your credit score?

It will appear as an obligation and as such limit the amount that will be considered for total monthly payment. No I don't think it will affect your your credit score.

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Multiple inquiries will not affect your chances, the only way it would affect you getting a home loan is if your credit score was impacted. Be careful with applying for credit cards, the inquires affect your score negatively.

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High Credit card balance affect your credit score negatively. See, the debt to credit ratio makes up 10% of your credit score. This means the amount of money you owe on a credit line. The more you owe, the worse it hurts your credit (maxed out cards do the most damage). It is recommended to try to be below 30% of your line of credit.

Does closing cards yourself affect credit score?

Yes, closing old accounts negatively impacts your credit score because it shortens your length of history which makes up 15% of your credit score. Keep you old credit cards open, even if you don't use them.

How does a credit card charge off effect your credit score?
