If you cant think of any thing else have you considered a present and birthday card.
Happy Birthday friend ( feminine ) (Amiga = Girl friend ) ( Amigo Boy friend ) (Not Girlfriend)
A friend ex boyfriend should always be off limits, but when you really think about it. If you were a true friend all you would want is for your friend to be happy and if the girl or boy, who is your ex, makes your friend happy then you should wish her all the luck!
There are some reasons why the boy would give you a teddy on your birthday : 1. Maybe the boy cares for you, and want you to be happy. 2. Maybe he is your friend, and he knows that you like teddies. 3. And lastly, maybe the boy likes you! And that's all I know. Hope it helps you.
you could wish something like... i wish that he and i will be together or something. or wish that you and your boyfriend will be in a good relationship. but you honestly dont need someone's opinion to decide on something important like a wish on your birthday. just wish something good will happen to you and your boyfriend. or if you want you can wish something that your boy friend has wanted for a long time!
The cast of Happy 95 Birthday Grandpa - 2009 includes: Larry Erhnman as Lead boy
Yes she is the prettiest thing on earth! i wish i was her boy friend :)
Be happy that your friends are happy together, and find someone else for yourself.
He just forgot or he just doesn't care about it.
Tell your friend your sorry and dump the boy because boys aren't worth loosing a friend. Make sure your friend agrees though incase shes over him! But you really like this guy and you don't really like your friend.
phone boy friend bike makeup tv
She got a diamond necklace and matching earings
That would be: "bon anniversaire, mon amour"