Under most circumstances after a person has been cheated on the relationship is in the disaster zone. There will be too much resentment towards each other added upon your distrust of them. The couple should separate for a long period with no contact and live their own lives if possible. Maybe after a couple of months you can meet again and see if you still feel anything for that person. More often than not, you and your partner will become distant and feel like "strangers" to each other.
If you really want to keep trying for this person then you may. But be prepared for a lot of tears and a lot of arguing. Which the arguing should be kept to a minimum if possible as this will only add fuel to the fire. Good Luck!
* If your wife has cheated with three different people or even had a four-way then you both need to sit down and communicate and decide if 'you' want to stay with her. Once someone has cheated they have crossed the ultimate line of trust and it's difficult to earn that trust back. Only you can make the decision of whether you stay or leave.
There is nothing to say. Cheating, if you want to cheat then face the consequences. Just stay single if you want to flirt like crazy; don't hurt someone because of your recklessness.
tell them its in the friend handbook
No, he/she is not a good boyfriend/girlfriend. Leave him/her and wait for him/her to come crawling back!
Someone you want to stay far away from.
I would say that you should always play the odds, if someone has cheated on everyone it is likely that they will cheat again. But you can try to make them stay faithful by finding out why they have cheated so much and try to keep them happy.
* You should breakup with him. * Cheating is cheap and underhanded! It not only hurts your mate (they will find out eventually) but, lowers your own self respect. It's better to be honest with your mate and think of someone besides yourself! You cheated so you are not content in the relationship so have the guts to tell your mate and set him/her free! You should have done this before you cheated on him!
Unfortunately there is not a way you can get someone to stay with you if they no longer want to.
Are you the person they were cheating or was it someone else? If someone was cheating you, I would say I didn't want to be their girlfriend (or boyfriend if you are a guy) anymore and that I saw them cheating. If it is someone else that was being cheated, I would tell the person who is being cheated and tell the person what I saw the person do.
the odds are not good...you can give it a go if you want, but i would say you are just setting yourself up to be cheated on again...if he cheated on you before i dont know why you would even stay with him..he obviously didnt think you were worth being faithful to, so why should you give him the privilage of your love if he is just going to crap all over it.
only if your dating the person that cheated on you