how can you view someones facebook profile after they blocked you
do you have a facebook? well I do and no, they can not if you have a Facebook profile, they can't without being your friend, tell you anything online, see your page, or go to your friend's pages.
On Facebook, subscribing to someone's profile means that you will see their public posts in your News Feed, even if you are not friends with them. This feature allows you to follow a person's updates without becoming friends with them.
im sorry but you cannot access your friends facebook acount unless you have one your self
Well you can not join there game but if you go to their profile you can see what they are playing
There is a handy tool for searching on Facebook without account or logging in. The site listed below allows to search on Facebook by keywords and shows relevant facebook pages as well as recent posts of people on facebook with such keywords.
Facebook's CEO said that wouldn't be happening because it adds another 'unnecessary' dimension to being on Facebook - worrying about who's viewing your profile, being cautious about viewing profiles because you know that person will find this stage, Facebook have said that won't be happening.
You must have a Facebook account to "friend" anyone (including your son) that has a Facebook account. If you want to just view a Facebook page, just so long as the person you are viewing does NOT have a private account set up, you can just visit and view it, without being his "friend",
Facebook, pen pals, send emails, meet in an online chat room, World of Warcraft, etc.
You used to be able to by using your facebook profile search. However, because facebook doesn't like being a matchmaker they removed that ability. Even though when setting up your profile you can list that you are looking for "Friendship, Relationships, What Ever I can Get, etc."
Search them on google or facebook.
The profile is being updated by the profile owner or the profile has several hits at the same time and you may have to wait for the traffice to subside
You really can't play without being logged into your Facebook account because it's with Zynga and that orginated on Facebook.