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You should know your best friend well enough to judge what way would be best. Maybe coming right out with it in a serious way would be good, or maybe you want to first claim you're bi in a joke and see how he/she reacts. Maybe it would be best to ask and find out what your best friend thinks about bisexuality first.

In the end it's your best friend though, and if you being bi is a problem to him/her, then obviously it wasn't really a best friend.

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10mo ago

You can tell your best friend by choosing a time when you both can have a private and calm conversation. Be honest and open about your feelings, and let them know that you trust and value their support. Remember, your sexual orientation is a personal and important aspect of yourself, so it's okay to share it with those you trust and care about.

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14y ago

Well because you are best friends he probably may like you, and do nicer things.

He will have an erection if he likes you.

I'd ask him, ok? He's your best friend ok? If he says no he really doesn't want you to know, or he isn't. If he says yes, don't hate him, he may act different now that you know, but don't hate him ok? Its never good to hate someone cause something major kinda happened. I know one thing for me happened, my best friend was bi, and it turned me bi.... although I was already starting to think I was.

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The best thing to do is to leave him alone! let him figure it out by himself. your pushing him back into the closet, not helping him out. When he's ready to come out, you might not be the first person to know, dont question him, just let him know youre his best friend

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ask them what they would do if you did turn bi . then tell them , shoudnt be that hard if that's your best friend !

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try to move on by liking someone else,try to distance yourself from them for a while,think about why NOT to like them.

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Only if you friend is Billal

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just be honest, that's the best thing to do. if she cant except it then she wasnt really your friend.

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Don't tell her let her find out

Is your best friend bi?

Could be, why not ask him? If he is your best friend and has not made a move on you, it shouldn't matter if he is. What he does with someone else has no affect on you or your relationship. Tell him that so he will know it doesn't matter to you one way or the other.

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You have a special emotional and or sexuall attraction to persons of both sexes. That's not quite bi-sexuality in my mind until you've "acted" on these feelings with both sexes

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well i have a friend that is bi so i might be able to help u so try being generous to her

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I think you should tell her , its a once in a while thing , and if she doesnt have feelings for you dont be sad at least you tried . I sure shell still be friends with you . GOOD LUCK MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!