You know a Coach handbag is fake when the iconic C's are not straight and the bag has poor stitiching.
It is not easy to tell the differences between real and fake purses. The way to tell the difference is to look on Coach website and see pictures of real and fake comparisons.
It doesn't have a number tag it has a code on it.
There are three main ways that you can tell if a Coach purse is fake, 1. on the inside of every REAL bag there is a little leather patch that says info about the coach, FAKE purses DO NOT have this, 2. most times fake leather looks like plastic, 3. the way the coach symbol is formed, if it doesent look normal, it is in most cases FAKE.
You can tell if a cheap Coach handbag is couterfeit if you look closely to the pattern of the handbag. If there is one 'C' mismatched you can tell that it is a fake.
How can i tell a real bag from a fake one
A real coach doesn't wear tighty whities, but a fake one does
It is not an official Coach purse. It is a fake.
An authentic Coach handbag will have the signature fabric. The pattern should be aligned perfectly. The logo should read CC. Stictching should be straight and even.
Ask Bianca Aries!! She told me in Dester Winds during P.M session that she knows when the coach bags are fake! But i have no idea!call her at (661)285-****! Just make sure you dont buy them from the swamp meet! :] :]
Genuine Coach bags are quite expensive so beware of a low price. If you look inside a coach bag, it will have the ID number and coach information on the inside. It should be a leather and sewn onto the bag. Also, Coach bags have one tag that says coach on it. Another way is to tell by the quality. Purchase from a well know and reputable seller such as Coach stores, Nordstrom, or Macy's.
If you do an Internet search for "real v. counterfeit Coach purse," the first few articles that appear will provide you with very detailed information regarding the best ways to tell if your purse is real or fake.
Fake coach bags are sometimes hard to tell from the originals. Fake coach bags tend to be cheaper than the real ones, and they are less sturdy. If you want to be sure, buy a bag from a trusted retailer or buy the bag online from the coach website.