If she does the usual flirting anyone, married or not, does. She consistently compliments you, touches your arm or even your hair, makes it a point to laugh at anything funny you say, makes much eye contact, and if she has a wedding ring, fiddling with it in your view.
If she is your type and if you are single, you GO FOR HER!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):): This contributor (single) has been in a similar situation. Flirtation by itself may be harmless, but if you respect the sanctity of marriage, my advice is that you do not cross that line. If she ever divorces and still shows an interest in you, then follow the above advice. Messing around with a married woman is the stupidest thing that men get killed and injured for.
ANSWER:I'm not a man but I can tell you some point or sign if a woman likes a married man. But this is not coming from a woman who just want to be notice by a married man. It will be a married man who do all the action, especially if his having a problem with his marriage. Married man will be easy to find a woman who can be their friend and tell a sad story (lies) about his married life.Now for a married man to know if he is being like by a woman, it will be the way she smile, body language, flirting through words, and much more. But once in a while when a woman do talk or even the way she act will be taken wrong by married man, and that is the one they need to watch out for..
No, it is not flirting if a man admires a pretty woman (married or not) and tells her. The point is 'you can look, but don't touch.' Men of all ages admire a pretty woman and women of all ages admire a handsome looking man.
It might. If it does, tell him to remember he has a wife and that he should leave you alone.
you dont, she is a married woman, dont even try to break up a marriage by trying to get with a married woman
Basically flirting is teasing a good tip is if you tell him that you friend fancies him (but don't tell him that its actually you) then that will get him to talk to you then enventually give in and tell him that you 'friend' who fancies him is actually you. that's serious flirting it worked for me because i am now married to that guy i did that to! good luck an remember carry on flirting and he will soon get the hint!
how can you tell if a boy is flirting with a girl and also likes her to an extent?
No, you can't tell unless they tell you, or you find them in a sexual situation.
Eh.... mention your WIFE ANSWER: Maybe the next time you see this woman, you will introduce yourself as married? Example; "hi! my name is such and such and I am married."
you can probably get that annuled, since she married you illegally
Not necessarily. It all depends on their body language and the subject of their discussion.
She may feel like a sexual relationship, however that does not make her a lesbian. Flirting is a ego boost by itself. It does not need to lead to anything at all.