I added a link to the barrel code dating on the Remington Society of America, all details are there.
See related links for date code stamp information on the Remington Society of America.
I have a Remington 22 long or short Rifle Model 514 pat# 214901322 ABO? What year was this made.
Check the date code on barrel ;) There's information on the Remington Society of America, check related links.
I can tell you it was made in 1928, that's about it. If the barrel is original you can get the month/year from the date code stamp. See related links. Also the Remington model 10 was made by Remington from 1911-1929
Made from 1909 - 1936, with a serial no I can tell you a year, from 1921 on there is a barrel code with month/year. Check Remington Society of America http://remingtonsociety.com/rsa/questions/barrelcodes
Check date code stamped on barrel see related link for details.
They made them from 1948-1970 you can tell month and year by the barrel code which you can look up the details for on the Remington Society of America under Manufacture Date link.
Your Remington model 1903 was made in the year 1941,with the serial number that you have provided.
It was in production from 1931 to 1949, when it was superseded by the Remington 870.
Impossible to tell without the serial number and all markings on the weapon.
your Remington model 512 was made from 1940-1962,with a total production of 395,000 guns.