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A good rule to keep is this : If you have to ask if an influence can lead to bad behavior, then it's best to avoid it.

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A helpful influence will encourage positive behavior, provide support, and prioritize your well-being. On the other hand, an influence that might lead you to try a risk behavior could pressure you, dismiss potential consequences, or not consider your welfare. Trust your instincts and seek guidance from trusted individuals if you are unsure about an influence.

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Q: How can you tell the difference between a helpful influence and one that might lead you to try a risk behavior?
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What is a behavior that is positive and helpful?

Showing empathy towards others by listening actively and offering support is a positive and helpful behavior. It helps create strong relationships and fosters a sense of connection and understanding.

What is the importance of peer pressure?

Peer pressure can influence behavior and decision-making by encouraging individuals to conform to group norms. It can lead to both positive and negative outcomes, as peers can motivate individuals to engage in healthy behaviors or to partake in risky activities. Understanding how to navigate peer pressure can help individuals make informed choices that align with their values and goals.

Why are girls meaner than boys?

It is not accurate to make a generalization that girls are meaner than boys. Stereotypes about gender behavior are not helpful and do not reflect the complexity and diversity of individual personalities. Kindness and mean behavior can be exhibited by people of any gender.

Why is assertive behavior helpful in conflict situations?

Assertive behavior is helpful in conflict situations because it allows individuals to express their thoughts and feelings clearly and confidently, without being aggressive or passive. It helps to establish boundaries, communicate effectively, and work towards finding mutually beneficial solutions to the conflict. Additionally, being assertive can help to prevent misunderstandings and improve relationships in the long run.

How can we change a mean person into a sensitive one?

Changing someone's behavior is ultimately up to them, but you can try fostering empathy by engaging in open and understanding conversations, setting a positive example through your own actions, and offering support and encouragement for more compassionate behavior. It may also be helpful to address any underlying reasons for their mean behavior, such as past experiences or unresolved emotions.

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Showing empathy towards others by listening actively and offering support is a positive and helpful behavior. It helps create strong relationships and fosters a sense of connection and understanding.

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if u wil do the work with truthfulnes&systematacily it wil heip u 2thng is that if u think that every one is our we dont fake to them its very helpful to u.

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a specialist is much more knowledgeable in that area and can therefore be more helpful.

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working goether as a team, listening, being helpful and flexible

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Dichotomous key

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It would be very helpful if you would let us know who or what you would like us to compare him to.

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