The model number of the gun and make along with the serial number usually will determine the age of a gun.
There were 2 different Daisy model 107. Model 107 Buck Jones Special 1934 - 1942 Model 107 1957 - 1958 (Plastic Stock)
Give us the make & model of the gun and maybe we can tell it's age.
Try gun shops, gun shows, internet, want ads.
If you call S&W, they will tell you when it left the factory.
You are going to have to identify the model number to determine the age. Take the gun to a gun shop or gun smith for assistance.
We have one and best I can figure is from $900.00 / 2700.00 depending on year and other information. I have the serial number of my gun it is 1055407 will this tell its age?
to find age of any firearm you must furnish the model, caliber and serial number. your question reads like "how can I tell the age of my ford" (no pun intended) If it is not marked on the gun, get a copy of the Blue Book of Gun Values and see if you can identify it. Once you have determined the model, there are serial number lists at the back of the book.
Daisy never made a 1000 BB gun (that I know of) however they made several versions of the Model 1000 BB rifle. Your best answer should come from Daisy. They offer a free service to tell you about your old Daisy. See the link below
The model number is usually engraved on the barrel .
The model number is usually engraved on the barrel .
how to tell the age of a 12 gauge single barrel shot gun made by American Gun Company?