Well, boys are very complicated when it comes to truley showing his feelings. If you feel he is falling out of love, the best you can do is save yourself the trouble and end it, or show him what you guys had.
say it nicely
i ain't gonna tell u'r boyfriend anything, but u should just tell him straight forward. at least don't walk around, never telling him, and shouldn't u be in love before u get together?
you will be falling
you tell him you love him
no it means youre heart has fallen for him/her what you sould do is tell her/him how you feel bout her/him and she/he might become youre girlfriend/boyfriend trust me i know what i did was buy her a bunch of roses and a box of choclate so dont let this haunt you tell him/her how you feel
Don't tell her you love her, tell her you like her.
Say "I love you."
No, tell your boyfriend that when he's with you in person.
The only way you can tell if youre boyfriend nutt is when he makes a big moan or he say im come n!!!! Then he stops sexing you and falls asleep
ok. What i'd do is openly tell her that you have feelings for her without putting her on the spot. Its very hard but I accomplished it so I think you can too!
well you tell your boyfriend that you do love him but you want a break and tell him you found somebody you have known longer and that you can trust i would do the same but not in an inappropreite way either...
If you are not in love with your boyfriend, you should probably tell him that. If you plan on making a move after that on his best friend, you should also probably warn him of that before you do. Also, please don't cheat on the guy, this is going to be hard enough on him in the first place, don't make it worse.