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All women are attracted to other men, just as all men are attracted to other women. People don't stop being attracted to other people just because they're in love with someone.

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Q: How can you tell if your wife is attracted to other men?
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How do you tell when other gay men are attracted to you?

They will call you honey alot honey.

Does gay means when you like boys?

Gay, is slang for male homosexual, so if you are male and are attracted to other males then yes you are gay, now all you have to do is "come out of the closet" and tell others

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The term "bi wife" could refer to a wife who identifies as bisexual, meaning she is attracted to both men and women.

Is it not wrong to get attracted to other known females after being married for 14 years and loose them subsequently?

I don't believe it's ever wrong to be attracted to someone, whether you are married or single. It is wrong to act on the attraction when you are married. The easiest way to decide if your behavior might be inappropriate is to ask yourself how you would feel if your wife acted the same way with other men. Is it wrong for her to be attracted to other men and how would you feel if she acted on the attraction? Would it be wrong for her to tell another man she found him attractive? How would you feel if she started dating other men while she is married to you? Most men would not stay married for long if their wife behaved this way, a woman should not be expected to stay with a man who behaved this way either.

How do you know if your boyfriend is attracted to other men?

Study the way he acts toward other men.

What does it mean if your wife tells a friend 'I love you'?

It means that they feel that the marriage is un-stable so she wants to know that she is still attractive by seeing if other men are attracted to her.

Why are you attracted to men?

Because that is what or who you are attracted to. It is how you are put together. Perfectly natural for you and a bunch of other people.

How do you avoid marriage men?

tell him no your married and if he goes to far tell his wife

What are you when you are a man and love men?

When a man is only attracted to other men and not women they are considered gay.

I am confused about my sexuality How do I figure out which gender I are attracted to I am a female?

Answer I am not certain that this is something that you can logically figure out. Time will tell. Most women are attracted to men, and if that works with the right person you have your answer. The main thing is to stick with what you truly feel for the other person. Being true to yourself means that you will not commit to a sexuality that doesn't feel right. Answer You are female then you are attracted to males. It is the only natural answer. You could choose to be with other females, or even animals for that matter but in all reality, you are attracted to men.

Why men attract to men?

Because that is what or who you are attracted to. It is how you are put together. Perfectly natural for you and a bunch of other people.

What is the difference in coming out information between gay men and gay women?

Gay men are men who are attracted to men, and Lesbians are women who are attracted to women, they both like people of their same gender, but they are different genders from each other.