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The only way to know is for the person to tell you. Also, no one fakes being gay.

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Q: How can you tell if someone is gay or just faking?
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Related questions

How can one tell that he is gay?

You can not really tell if someone is gay, you are better just asking the person if you want to know.

Should you tell your girlfreind you are gay?

Get a boyfriend. Then just tell your girlfriend you found someone else.

How can you tell if someone is gay by their hands?

You can't tell if someone is gay by looking at their hands.

How do you tell a gay that you're not gay?

Just simply tell him that you are not gay.

How can you tell whether you friend is gay?

You can not tell if someone is gay. The only way to know for sure is if they tell you.

Can someone tell if your gay?


If someone says your gay are they gay?

just because someone asks you if you are gay does NOT mean that they are gay. but they could be. but just because they ask you, if your gay... in that case not necessarily.

How can you tell if someone is gay for you?

easy, if they wink at you, have sneaky peaks at your bum then yeah, he is gay for you. or simply just ask him, GOOD LUCK ON FINDING YOUR PARTNER!:)

How do you find whether someones gay?

There is no proven way to tell if someone is gay, without knowing for a fact. Most of the time it is almost impossible to tell what someones sexual preference is unless they tell you, or make it obvious. Keep in mind, just because someone is feminine or has feminine like tendacies, doesnt necessarily gay.

Is Maury Povich gay?

Yes, he is totally gay. You can just tell. I'm gay and I can tell when other people are gay, and Maury is gay.

How do you break up with someone you don't love?

you tell them that your gay. it always works. i promise :) and if your gay tell them your stright.

How do you get someone to be gay with you?

If they are your friend and they normally come to your house then you just let them speak 4 themselves if they have feeling 4 u then you just move closer 2 them and hold their hand then they'll have and Idea that your're gay he'll tell you how he fells and remember you can't force someone 2 be gay with you.