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When you ask him "Are looking for a serious relationship?" He says "yes" and treats you in a much more special way than he treats other women, is attentive to your desires, and starts spending more time with you than anyone else.

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Q: How can you tell if a guy is looking for a serious relationship?
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How do you tell your guy you don't want a serious relationship im 11?

Be nice and tell him 'I'm not ready to have a serious relationship yet' Been there, done that

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When there is kissing and heavy touching.

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you can tell if he is acting serious and never laughs or smiles when you tell him something important or seriousif your invited over see how he treats his mother or sister then you know how well he will treat you in a serious relationship.

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There is no way to make a guy serious in a relationship. He is the only one that can decide that.

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Respect yourself, your boyfriend, & your relationship. Be stern & up front. Tell him you have a boyfriend & that you do not appreciate his flirting. Tell him to STOP & you have to be serious about it.

If a guy doesn't think you two are ready for a serious relationship do you still have a chance?

Yes. Just because a guy is not ready for a serious relationship does not mean that hope does not exist for the future or that he isn't planning on seeing you, dating you, and possibly building up to a serious relationship. If you really like the guy, don't get disheartened!

How do you tell if a guy likes you when he is not looking for a relationship?

a guy is intersted in banging almost every girl he sees if not he is definetly gay so dont worry hes intrested

What does it mean when a guy says he doesn't think you're ready for a serious relationship but still hopes to work things out?

The only person that knows the answer to your question is the guy. It is best to ask him what he means by "serious relationship". When you understand what he means and what his intentions are towards you, then you can decide if you want a "serious relationship" with him.

What does a guy mean when he tells you you have a lovely nature and a lovely personality and is in love with you and he is serious about you?

If a guy says that he is in love with you and serious about you then he wants a committed relationship.

Will any girl tell about her x relationship?

Only if the guy is willing to tell her about his y relationship.

How do you know when a Man is real?

I am looking for serious and hardworking guy