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When he starts to whine or doesn't have anything to ask to you. Or just asks many stupid questions

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 11mo ago

A guy may be desperate if he constantly seeks validation or attention, appears overly eager or clingy in relationships, or compromises his values to please others. Desperation can also be evident if he rushes into commitments or exhibits possessive behavior.

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Flirting is never desperate. It just tell someone you find them attractive enough to give them the attention.

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Tell him it will work in the opposite direction.

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No, it will make you seem desperate and turn him off from you.

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he' s desperate and can't find a date on his own.

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No way! They wouldnt be desperate just because they asked a boy out. If you like a guy then whats the point in hiding it?

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if you are desperate for him let him kiss you if he is desperate for you he will get frustrated and that is you chance to kiss him good luck:)

What should you do if you and your friend like the same guy and he only likes you?

Never EVER be mean and snotty in front of your friend. That will only cause trouble. Soothe her, tell her that it is okay and that you won't take him from you. If your desperate to have this guy, ask her if that is alright with her.

When is a girl desperate for someone?

Girls aren't desperate. all we want is a caring guy that we love and can be loved by. We aren't desperate, just caring. Don't get it confused!

Can a guy change his feelings for you?

yep if he thinks you are desperate and clingy

Is john barrowman going to be in desperate housewives?

yes he is going to be in desperate housewives, i dunno when but he's a bad guy :) xx

How do you get a guy to really like you in middle school we are friends and hes an easy going guy i have a tiny feeling he likes me but how do I get him to be desperate for me btw im confident?

First off be chill about it. Dont go all desperate because guys see right through that. If you really like him try spending time with him and look to his interests. Maybe talk to him more often. If you want him desperate for you dont be desperate for him. When the time is right you will know when to tell him how you feel. But just remember, sometimes being just friends is all you'll ever need.

What does it mean when you tell a guy you like them anon and they say cool?

It either means they are interested but doesn't want to seem to "desperate" or they don't like you like that but don't wan't to seem mean.