her bottom might look uneven, or fluffy. It will get smaller when she sits down. If she actually uses the diaper it might smell bad.
if it's on their head!
It is a sexual thing. Some people are aroused by the sight of adults wearing diapers, and there are "diaper girls" who post photos of themselves on the internet wearing only diapers.
The softness of the diaper? I don't no
You don't! If she is, it's rude to know. Even if it's really obvious. Even if her pants fall down and you see it. You don't know about it and you don't suspect it. EVER!
A diaper boy is a male person who has a sexual fetish for wearing a diaper. The person often defecates and or urinates in the diaper while wearing it, and requires someone to change the diaper.
First of all why is wearing a diaper?, just want to know!!! she should wear a cloth diaper with cute plastic pants over it.
The easiest way to tell if a diaper is wet or dirty and needs changing would be to pinch the diaper or poke it and it will be squishy. This is due to the absorption of the fluid. Some diapers even have a stripe that changes color once the baby has urinated.
It is when you are wearing a diaper hopefully as a baby and it rides up your crack
There is a bulge in the front and back from wearing diapers even when the diaper is not wet or poopy. If a person is wearing a diaper and they wet or mess than the bulge grows in the front or in the back. If they mess than you can tell from the scent of the used diaper. Also it is very common for a person wearing a diaper to walk slightly differently. Depending on what kind of cloths the person is wearing will dictate how obvious the diaper is. There is also a tell tale crinkle from the diaper. The two biggest give away's is the bulge in the front, and the bulge in the back when the person soils themselves. Having been incontinent all my life as a result of a botched up operation to sort my Spina Bifida out, I can speak from experience since I have to wear them 24/7
like wearing a diaper and you are like babyish