As long as the barrel was made after 1950 and does NOT have a full choke, you will be able to shoot steel #2 or smaller.
Is it a screw in choke?
with the wingmaster barrel you can only shoot lead, but if you change the barrel to a slugster you can shoot slugs and buckshot, they also have a barrel for steel shot to.
Remington 1100 would be just fine for trap. I started with one ans shot for a while until it became a serious hobby. I then spent a lot of money on a very nice trap gun. I shot better and better until I took a break from trap. When I decided to shoot trap again all I had with me was the 1100. Strange thing, I shot just a good with it as I did the spendy gun. Enjoy the game.
If it was made to shoot steel shot and has interchangeable chokes.
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"Can a Winchester Model 50 full choke be used with steel shot?" I have a Winchester Model 50, 28in steel barrel, 2 3/4 in chamber and full choke. I also shoot the Remington 1100 with an Improved Cylinder. Generally you do not want to shoot "steel" shot out of a full choke unless the gun was designed for that, which the Model 50 I don't believe was. The reason being, steel does not compress like lead and the uncompressed steel can cause stress on the barrel when the shot tries the cram through the full choke, it causes more restriction and the barrel can crack or even blow apart. I have used 2 3/4in #4 steel shot in my Model 50 and have not seen any streaks on the interior of the barrel, no obstructions and no barrel stress. I have put a lot of shells through it too. I the #4 seems like it has more room to move then a #2 shot so I am sticking with that. My Remington 1100 however is made for steel shot, has an Improved Cylinder and has actually shown signs of barrel obstructions using 2 3/4 #2 steel shot. So the table has totally flipped on me. The full choke is doing great with steel shot and the IC almost blew on me. Maybe the steel grade barrel on my Model 50 is making the difference, I don't know, but it looks great still, looks a lot better than my 1100. I am thinking of selling the 1100 and buying the Nova Pump from Benelli, I hear great things about that gun but have never duck hunted with a pump. I hope this helps a little.
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not shoot steel shot in this weapon.
That will depend on whether the choke tube is rated for steel shot or not.
For waterfowl, you cannot use lead shot. Try Bismuth shot or Heavi-Shot. See your local gun shop.
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If it was designed for it, yes. If not, no.