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Make sure you have both iPods on the same account.

If it is, an easy way of doing it is buying an app on one iPod, and then buy the same app. This time when it's downloading, it will say,"You have already purchased this app. tap OK to get it for free." Then hit OK. There you go.

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you plug their IPod into your computer (I think)

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Q: How can you sync apps from one iPod to another?
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How do you sync an iPod touch to another iPod touch?

To sync the content and apps on one iPod touch to another, connect the new iPod touch to iTunes, and click restore from backup rather than choosing to set up a new iPod. If you put a password on your backup, enter that now. Then, wait for all of your content, settings, media and apps to sync to your new iPod touch. You can also do this between iPod touch 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation and iPhones.

What happens if you sync your apps on your iPod?

When you sync your iPod Touch to iTunes, your music and your apps are synced into iTunes. Nothing happens to the apps, the best description I can think of for what it is would be a backup for all your files on your iPod. If something happens to your iPod, you can order a new one and sync it, and all of your apps and music from the last time you synced your iPod will be put onto it. That is why you are recommended to sync your iPod often, just in case something happens to it, whether your iPod gets its files deleted, or if it gets broken. To learn how to do this, look in the Related Questions below.

Can you sync one iPod Touch with another one?

I'm not sure, but I think that if you sync one ipod with another, both your ipod and the other ipod will have all memory deleted. AS IN EVERYTHING.

If you get a new ipod can you you keep the apps on your new one?

Yes. As long as you are using the same iTunes Store account that you downloaded the apps on originally, you will be able to sync your apps to the new iPod.

Will installing OS 3.1 from another itunes besides the one you sync your Ipod with cause any data loss on the Ipod?

i just synced my ipod touch to itunes and then after i couldn't open any apps. help!

How do you sync iPod with a new computer?

It should sync automatically, but if it doesn't remove your Ipod from the computer, close Itunes, and try again. If that doesn't work, re-connect your Ipod to the computer, and re-open Itunes. Then click on your Ipod's name and click Sync.

How do you music from one 8 gig iPod to another 8 gig iPod?

You sync it on your computer. Then one it's synced, take the ther 8 gig ipod & take the songs already synced on the other one, & sync it on that one. - Haley(:

Will you lose your paid apps if you sync your ipod touch to a different computer?

no it will add them to the new one. If you lose apps they can always be downloaded again for free from same account at the app store.

Why wont your iPod touch applications sync from your iPod to itunes?

They will only on your home computer. Your home computer is that ONE computer that you got all of your music/videos off of. (or the first computer you sync-ed your ipod/iphone with. Then you click on your ipod/iphone and sync the apps on the 'applications' tab on the top. It might ask you to put in your itunes email and password (otherwise known as 'apple ID) Dont worry. Just put in your info. Its just asking you permission to download all of the apps you PAID for.

How do you get music from one iPod to another iPod?

You must have iTunes to do so. Download iTunes, sync the iPod with the music on and plug in the other iPod. Drag and drop the music into the iPod section. If it won't let you, change the iPod settings to not sync automatically.

Does an ipod touch sync with one computer are can it sync with more than one computer?

It can sync with a maximum of five computers.

Can you sync more than one iPod nano to one PC?

You can use your itunes library to sync it towards as many iPods as you wish however you can only sync each iPod with one library.