

Best Answer

i do not think that they are highly addicted i smoke em and i do have cravings anyone who want to quit should just go "cold turkey"i do not think that they are highly addicted i smoke em and i do have cravings anyone who want to quit should just go "cold turkey"

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Q: How can you stop smoking black n milds?
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Do black n milds make your lungs bleed?


How much does a pack of black n milds cost in New Jersey?

Probably like 6 bucks

Can smoking black n milds cause you to fail a drug test?

actually, from first hand experience, it actually will make you pass a drug test. i get tested once a year and everytime i stop approximately 15 days before the test and i play some basketball to sweat, drink plentttyy of water (do not drink the day of the test because then it will look like you tried to dilude your piss) and smoke 2 black n milds the day of and one about 45 minutes before the test and you will pass like that =) believe me ive done it every year for 3 years and its worked everytime. i even have to go to a toxicology lab. so everyone who says its not possible obviously hasnt tried it and are just basing their info on their beliefs, not experiences.

Who is trainer n?

N is the leader of Team Plasma , a villianous group in Isshu wanting to stop trainers enslaving Pokemon , and will not stop to get Reshiram[ Black] or Zekrom [ White ] .

How old do you have to be to buy Black n mild?

You have to be of legal smoking age, the same as cigarettes.

When did people stop making colored tv?

They didn't. If you see in black n white see a doctor.

What has the author Peter N Lee written?

Peter N. Lee has written: 'Misclassification of smoking habits and passive smoking' -- subject(s): Cancer, Etiology, Evaluation, Health aspects of Passive smoking, Health aspects of Tobacco use, Lungs, Passive smoking, Research, Tobacco use

Make sure to name the specific gases that are involved in the process of the green house effect?

by smoking weed everyday and smoke that black n mild and den have a party on 4/20

How do you get marijuana out of body of aType 1 diabetic people who smoke marijuana?

drink water.Lots of it.And take your humalin n insulin still, regularly.And of course stop smoking that green sticky icky. More for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When was Black 'n Blue created?

Black 'n Blue was created in 1981.

Is smoking part of the junk food category?

nope smoking does not com under junk food category n , who asked dis question

can u stop n u stop?

yes you can